Monday, May 18, 2009

Wilderness First Aid Course Completed

The Trapper Trails Council conducted its first Wilderness First Aid Course on April 18th and 25th. Doctors Norm Bos and Chuck Bean attended the Philmont Training Center in the Fall of 2008 and became certified to conduct the course. They recruited 10 other physicians, dentists and other medical professionals to help teach subjects that covered a wide-variety of medical emergencies that can arise in the back country.

34 students learned the basic principles of assessing medical problems, providing treatment and deciding if patients needed to be evacuated for further emergency treatment.
The course lasted 16 hours over two Saturdays and was hosted by The Tanner Clinic in Layton, Utah. Because of the personal expertise of the presenters, the instruction was interesting and informative. The class was even visited by a couple of “Docs” skilled in providing treatment out in the “sticks”.
After the success of this pilot course, we are planning on offering other courses. Please watch the council web page and flyers at roundtables for information on other opportunities to participate.
If anyone is interested in going to Philmont and being trained to conduct this training, please contact Josh at 801-479-5460. We would especially like others in the medical profession to provide these trainings in different areas of the council—making wilderness first aid training available to more Scouters who are leading groups into the back country.