Tuesday, May 26, 2009

2009 Ogden Area Scout-o-rama held at Fort Buenaventura

The 2009 Ogden area Scout-o-rama was held at Fort Buenaventura on May 15-16. Nearly 2,000 Scouts and adult leaders attended an event organized and executed by phenomenal committee of volunteers.

Highlights of this years Scout-o-rama included:

  • kayaks, canoes, and row boats
  • rifle range
  • archery range
  • tomahawk range
  • Apache helicopter
  • blacksmith

Many units participated by having a booth at the event. Old or young, fun was had all! Special thanks to Paul Bissell, 2009 Scout-o-rama chairman and his amazing committee for arranging for and executing a well planned and organized Scouting event!

Thanks to all units who participated with a booth, or set up something like a Monkey Bridge for other to participate in.

In addition, units were able to camp inside of the park, whereas in previous years, troops had been asked to camp outside of the park. This was a pleasant change for many this year.

In 2010, the Scout-o-rama will be a council-wide event. As a part of the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America, the council will be hosting a Jamborall at the Weber County Fairgrounds and Golden Spike events center next year. A more detailed schedule of events and dates will be announced in June.

Your unit should plan on attending this top-class event!