Friday, May 8, 2009

Powder What?

POWDERHORN. What is it? It is a high octane training designed to help adult leaders safely conduct outdoor activities of a fun and challenging nature. It provides an introduction to the recourses needed to successfully lead their youth through a program of outdoor adventure. This course is based upon the Ranger requirements giving participants an exposure to some outdoor/high adventure activities and not a certification event. Even though the course is based upon the Ranger program, it is still useful for any adult involved in delivering a unit-level high adventure program.
Learning Objectives
After completing the Powder Horn course, you can expect the following outcomes:
Ø Introduction to the skills necessary to operate their outdoor program and the various certifications necessary and how to obtain those certifications
Ø Knowledge of how to identify local resources and consultants for high adventure activities
Ø Detailed knowledge of the Ranger Award and associated Silver Award requirements.
Ø Knowledge of the health and safety requirements of the Boy Scouts of America as they apply to outdoor programs.
Ø Knowledge of the rules and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America as they apply to outdoor programs

Come and give Powder Horn a try! This year's course runs from June 29-July 4 at Camp Bartlett. It is an awesome training expereince. With questions regarding Powder Horn, contact your local council service center.