Monday, May 11, 2009

Annual Scout Night At The Ball Park Announced

Scouting and baseball - two American legends will come together on July 10, 2009.

Scout units are encouraged to register early for this year's Scout Night with the Ogden Raptors! During the game, participants will enjoy hot dogs and drinks and on-field activities. After the game, Scouts will be able to get player's autographs, run the bases, and camp overnight on Lindquist Field. Participants will enjoy watching Disney's "The Sandlot" on the big screen - a fitting tribute to the spirit of inner-city youth and baseball.

Register now! Tickets range from $11-$13.50. Sign-up at your local Scout Service Center; registration ends on July 3.

To download a registration form, go to and click on the "Ogden Raptors Scout Night at the ball park" link

For questions, contact Jeremy at 801.475.7497 or

See you there!