Friday, February 26, 2010

Trapper Trails Council Inducts Leadership for 2010

On February 12, 2010 the Trapper Trails Council Conducted its annual business meeting. At the annual business meeting, council officers took their oath of office. These council officers, all volunteers, make up the Council Executive Committee, Executive Board, and Advisory Board Members. Cub Scout Wesley Elmore led the executive officers in their pledge.

For 2010, the council executive committee comprises the following individuals:

Council President: David Wadman
Council Commissioner: Rulon “Bob” Osmond
Vice President over Administration: Jerry Toombs
Vice President over District Operations: Brent Hatch
Vice President over Program:
Vice President over Training: Val Radmall
Vice President over Camping: Tim Parkinson
Vice President over Properties: Russell Tanner
Vice President over Scoutreach: Kurt Rifleman
Vice President over Relationships: Mike Gailey
Vice President over Marketing: Kenny Wright
Vice President over Membership: Ange’ Workman
Vice President over Learning for Life: Noel Zabriskie
Vice President over Finance: Robert Stringham
Council Treasurer: Lorenzo “Rennie” Bott
Legal Counsel: David Knowles
Immediate Past Council President: David Rich