Thursday, February 19, 2009

21 Districts = 21 Centennial QUALITY Districts

Something rare has taken place in the Trapper Trails Council. For the first time council history, all 21 districts in the council Have been designated as Centennial Quality Districts for the year 2008.

You may ask, "So What?" The reality is that this is a big deal. What it shows is the true reflection of the sincere dedication of the Hundreds of district volunteers and dedicated District Executives who work tirelessly to make Scouting happen from every corner of the council - and everywhere in between! What is says is that the leadership of each distrcit set worthy, yet lofty goals and worked hard to accomplish them.

Specific requirements for the centennial quality distrcit are as follows include unit and membership retention and growth, meeting financial goals, and quality recruitment of a strong volunteer corps.

Kudos to ALL who make the districts function! We appreciate your efforts.