Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Have You Heard About Kodiak?

The Kodiak Venturing leadership course is unique in that it is offered in an exciting and challenging atmosphere using whatever high-adventure resources you have available. Your crew or council could offer a course backpacking or rafting down a river away from your council or in your local area. Kodiak teaches leadership skills in a fun way that is internalized by the Venturers who take the course. In other words, it is a challenging high-adventure trek with a simple and fun leadership course included. Kodiak is not taught indoors or in a classroom; it is done completely outdoors using nature’s examples of leadership.
It is …
1. Fun!
2. Relevant to each participant’s life.
3. Internalized by participants.
4. Based on nature.
5. Based on the servant leader concept.
6. Course Methods

It is taught by two instructors (one adult and one youth if possible) in an "instructor team."

Only five skills are taught. They are called "commissions." The five commissions are:
1. Effective Teams
2. Values/Vision
3. Communications
4. Decision Making
5. Planning

It is based on symbolism using the Kodiak bear. Commissions are introduced with a hands-on exercise followed by a short presentation, then reinforced with one or more exercises. It uses constant reinforcement. It creates an older teen leadership fraternity.

Check out more about Kodiak at: