Monday, June 15, 2009

Doing A Good Turn Daily. . .For 100 years

Most of you know about Scouting For Food. It is an annual Good Turn Activity - and something that has a huge impact on the community you live in! Scouts from every corner of the Trapper Trails Council participate, and have done so for a very long time.

While looking through some old pictures, I was mesmerized by the following pictures: The first is a picture of Scouts in Clarkston, Utah decorating graves during a 1925 Decoration Day (Now called Memorial Day) celebration. The Second is a 1942 shot of Scouts from the Logan LDS 5th ward participating in an aluminum collection drive. This activity was done for several years during World War II as a way to help the war effort.

It is nice to know, that for almost 100 years, Boy Scouts have answered the call, done their "good turn" and helped our Nation - from Aluminum collection to Beet picking to Scouting for Food drives -- and a whole lot more!

Thanks to the wonderful generations of leaders who have provided such opportunities for generations of young men! Thanks to generations of young men who have answered the call: Do a good turn daily!