Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Powder Horn

Participants on the Dutchman

Sunrise at Camp Hunt Bear Lake

Preparing the bikes for a short mountain ride.

The second weekend of Powder Horn was held at Camp Hunt. Participants enjoyed sailing, canoeing, snorkeling, water skiing, mountain biking, climbing, rappelling, horseback riding, hiking, caving, camping, and backpacking.

Jeff Bybee showing us how its done on the rappell at Paris Ice Caves

Participants recieve instructions before they enter the cave.

Participants spent a day on Bear Lake practicing their water skills, and they spent an overnighter at the Paris Ice Caves learning all of the other High Adventure skills.

The resources used at Powder Horn gave participants a better understanding of how they can apply these skills with their home units.

Special thanks to Mike Perkins (Course Director) and his staff for the endless hours of preparation and hard work. We would also like to thank the many consultants throughout the community that help provide expertise to the training.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bike the Bear

The Trapper Trails Council held the second annual Bike the Bear at Camp Hunt on August 23rd 2008. Bike the Bear is a 50 mile bike ride around Bear Lake. Some of the participants choose to ride around twice topping the 100 mile marker.

One brave scout finished the 50 miles in his hand bike. He has completed the ride both years and has shown a great example to all Scouts on how to be courageous, and set goals and accomplish them no matter how difficult they may be.

This year scouts from the Trapper Trails Council enjoyed a beautiful day completing the 50 mile leg of their Cycling merit badge. The first year (2007) we had 178 riders. This year we had 225 and everyone of them completed the journey. We look forward to holding this event for many years to come.
Special thanks to the Camp Hunt Staff and all those who helped pull this off.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Powder Horn

2007 Participants

The Venturing Spirit is alive and well in the Trapper Trails Council as participants enjoy the 2nd annual Powder Horn Course. This years course is a weekend course that began August 7-9 at Camp Browning and will finish August 21-23 at Camp Hunt.

John Anderson shows the participants how to brave the C.O.P.E. Course

Powder Horn is a resource training for Venture leaders. After this experience they will understand what the possibilities are for thier own Venture Crew. Participants will exprience, C.O.P.E. Climbing, Rappelling, Shooting, Archery, GPS and Land Navigation, Wilderness First Aid, Leave no Trace practices, Hiking, Biking, Scuba, Sailing, Canoeing, Kayaking and much more.

Special thanks to Mike Perkins and his staff for organizing this years Powder Horn

Watch for more picutures of the second weekend coming soon.

Fourth Annual Wood Badge with the Family Camp

The Trapper Trails Council held it Fourth Annual Family Camp Program this year at Camp Bartlett. This unique program is designed around the Advanced Leadership Programs of Wood Badge, and National Youth Leadership Traiing. While Mom or Dad attends Wood Badge and some Scout age boys attend NYLT (Summit) the rest of the family enjoys a fun filled program for their age group. Families eat meals together and attend a few selected campfire programs with each other but for the most part they have the opportunity to get trained, meet new friends and share new experiences. The entire family catches the Scouting spirit and reconnects with nature. It is very common to hear a youngster tell Mom or Dad "this is better than Disneyland"

Participants enjoy the Campfire Program
The 16 to 18 year old Boys and Girls enjoyed the High Adventure ProgamWood Badge participants share a patriotic moment
Play time on Fife Lake
6-7 year old boys testing there paddle boats

A special thanks goes out to all of our many Scouters who volunteer their time and talent to help this program work. There is no way this even could happen without great people behind the scenes who work all year to prepare for Family Camp. The Council is forever in their debt. Thank you volunteers. Your footprint will always be remembered by those you have served.

Please join us next year at Camp Bartlett for Wood Badge and Summit with the Family.