Monday, March 31, 2008

Scouting for Food -- A success! Thank you for your efforts!!

On March 29th, 2008 over 19,600 scouts and adult leaders participated in the Trapper Trails Councils annual Scouting for Food Drive. This year Boy Scout troops collected 640,076 pounds of food for local food banks. This is the Councils largest service project of the year. This unique service project combines local food banks, private business, civic organizations and the Boy Scouts of America.

The Trapper Trails Council would like to thank the following organizations:

Catholic Community Services, Ogden Rescue Mission, Salvation Army, Airman’s Attic, Cache Valley Food Bank, Box Elder Community Pantry, Layton Fish and Loaves, Family Connection, Browning Armory, Utah National Guard, Ogden Business Depot, Kaysville Jr. High School, Northridge High School, Kent’s Market, Grant Trucking, Smith’s Grocery, Arnold Machinery, Winegars, Zion’s Bank, Hill Air Force Bank, Roy City, Weber County Sheriff, Tremonton Food Pantry, SEICCA, Sweetwater Food Bank, The Lords Storehouse, Community Food Bank in Mt. View, Catholic Food Pantry, Ogden City, Standard Examiner, Utah Food Bank, and thousands of volunteers who donated food items and countless hours of service.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wood Badge Course kicks off 2008 Season

Jerry Bowden, Course Director for the 1st Wood Badge Course of 2008, has set a great standard for upcoming courses. The course has 48 excited participants, including Rick Barnes, Trapper Trails Council Scout Executive.

Camp Keisel dorms were keeping the participants nice and warm until they got to head outside this weekend. They spent the early part of Thursday setting up in patrols for their overnight experience.
Call 479-5460 for more information

Camp Bartlett's 2008 High Adventure: Winter Search and Rescue

Venturing Crew Scouts from units 903, 579, 335 and 224 participated in a unique high adventure experience. These Venturers teamed up with law enforcement, search and rescue, EMS representatives, and the Portneuf Life Flight Services to conduct hands on search and rescue exercise.

The location of this exercise is in itself a daunting task, given it was January 25th and 26th. The Snow measured between five and six feet in depth. The temperature at 7:00 a.m. was a nice cool -2 degrees.

Crew members used cross country ski’s and snowshoes to travel the four miles through the mountains of Southeastern Idaho into Camp Bartlett, one of the Trapper Trails Council’s premier Boy Scout Camps.

On Friday night crew members explored the backcountry, made preparations for the next day and played games around a warming fireplace with members of the Portneuf Life Flight and Idaho State Police Academy Cadets.

On Saturday Morning Camp Bartlett became a beehive of activities as law enforcement from Bear Lake County Sheriffs Office, EMS representatives from Bear Lake County, Caribou County, and numerous search and rescue members arrived. Search Teams with Search Dogs from Idaho, Utah and Wyoming were scheduled to participate in this training exercise but with the prior evening’s winter storm were called out on actual searches.

At 8:30 a.m. Avalanche and Beacon training began with crew members getting a first hand experience. Portneuf Life Flight Nurses from the Eastern Idaho Medical Center demonstrated proper patient assessment, treatment and care. The demonstration moved into hands-on with each crew member teaming up with others for hands on application. Each team was now tasked to practice assessing a volunteer patient who had injuries, followed by properly treating, splinting, and packaging the victim in preparation to be transported to a Command Center or and awaiting a Life Flight Helicopter.

After lunch all present were separated into teams. A real life practical exercise began to unfold. Each team was given GPS coordinants where an accident with unknown injuries and an unknown number of victims was located. Their mission: to locate the victims, evaluate injuries, assess the team and patient needs then obtain the necessary equipment and personnel needed to treat the victims and transport them back to the command center.

Throughout the exercise the search teams maintained contact with the Incident Commander Sheriff Craig Bunn of Bear Lake County. Sheriff Bunn as the Incident Commander coordinated equipment and personnel needed for the search teams to facilitate the transportation of the victims back to the Command Center. At the Command Center the victims received further medical treatment or evacuation.

At the conclusion a course evaluation a debriefing took place bringing the training full circle.
This exercise not only provided these young adults with valuable hands on training, but fulfilled several of the requirements of the Venture program. In the words of the Venturers who participated when asked to describe this event their first words were “WOW, INCREDIBLE, I CAN’T WAIT UNTIL NEXT YEAR, THAT WAS SO COOL!”

Trapper Trails Council is accepting reservations for this event in 2009.
For further information contact Gary Weeks @ 801-475-7498

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Whitney M. Young Award


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ogden, UT- The second annual Whitney M. Young awards banquet was held on March 7, 2008 at the Timbermine Restaurant in Ogden.

The Trapper Trails Council presented the Whitney M. Young Service Awards to George Hall, a business and community leader and past Vice President of Scoutreach; Jim Johnston, a member of Troop 1, chartered by the Logan Lions Club; and the Boys and Girls Club of Weber/Davis, a chartered organization for several of the Ogden-area Scoutreach units.

Neal Humphreys, pastor of the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Fruit Heights, gave the keynote address. Neal spoke about the need to give back to one’s community. He shared experiences of working with inner-city youth throughout his service in Scouting.

“Service to others has always been on of Scouting’s most important objectives,” said Michael Jenkins, Field Director. “The Trapper Trails Council is grateful for the efforts of these individuals and the many other dedicated volunteers who have worked to bring the benefits of the Scouting program to all our community’s youth.”

Established by the Boy Scouts of America in 1978, this special recognition is named for the late Whitney M. Young Jr., civil rights spokesperson and executive director of the Urban League from 1961-1971. The award was created to recognize outstanding services by an adult or an organization for demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds.

Within urban and rural settings, the need to teach the principles of the Scout Oath and Law has never been greater. Scoutreach is the Boy Scouts of America’s commitment to ensure all youth have the opportunity to participate in Scouting

For more information, call Jeremy Bell at 801-475-7497 or visit