On February 16, 2010, the Ogden City Council recognized the Trapper Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America. Council member Niel Garner read a proclamation prepared. Following the reading of the proclamation, the council voted unanimously to adopt the proclamation. The proclamation was then presented to Trapper Trails Council Scout Executive Mike Marchese.
A highlight of the evening was a strong presence of Boy Scouts at the meeting; some in attendance to work on their Citizenship in the Community Merit Badge, others there representing the BSA. The pledge of allegiance was led by Troop 4, sponsored by the 1st Presbyterian Church in Ogden. Troop 4 is the oldest consecu
tively chartered troop in Ogden. It was an impressive sight to watch each member of the troop be presented to the council, with each Scout in attendance having the opportunity to state his name, thus having his name recorded as an official part of the minutes of the city council meeting.

As the largest city in the council, the Trapper Trails Council wishes to recognize and express appreciation to Ogden city for its support of the Trapper Trails Council and the Boy Scouts of America.
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