In conjunction with the Great Salt Lake Council and the Utah National Parks Council, Scouts and Venture youth from the Trapper Trails Council presented Utah Governor Gary Herbert the report of Scouting for 2010. A memorable occasion for these young men and women, The Governor then declared 2010 as BSA year in the State of Utah.
Utah Attorney General Mark Shurtleff served as master of ceremonies for the event. Also present was BSA's Chief Scout Executive Robert "Bob" Mazzuca. Bob took a few minutes to thank the leadership of the State of Utah for its support of the Scouting movement, noting that nearly 10% of Eagle Scouts in the United States of America came from Utah in 2009. 
To a room packed with reporters and Scouting supporters, Governor Herbert expressed sincere appreciation to all Scouts for their service to the State, recognizing the great leadership that Scouting provides (and produces) for the State.
The Trapper Trails Council was represented by 8 youth: 5 Cub Scouts (1 Tiger Cub, 2 Wolf Cubs, 1 Bear Cub, and 1 Webelos Scout), 1 Boy Scout, 1 Varsity Scout, and 1 Venture Youth.
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