Thanks to a large donation by TIFIE Humanitarian the scenes around Camp Hunt are beginning to look better and better with each passing day. The addition of 4 new sail boats, 2 new powerboats, new docks, and a new nature center have improved an already strong program. Inside the lodge the bathrooms have been completely redone, and the kitchen has a new convection oven, and tilt skillet to go along with a new tile floor. The outside of the lodge has also received a face lift with the lower third of the building finally getting the rock finish it deserved. New stairs will dress the backside of the building and a new entry way will be added to the front that will be ADA compliant. New green roofing has been put on all of the building and a new lawn has been added to the flag ceremony area. A new First Aid building has been completed and old cabin has been completely restored to look like new. A new fence will dress up the camp and new trees and shrubs will be planted to spruce up the camp.
The biggest improvements to Camp Hunt will be the addition of the new boathouse. This will be a two story building with living quarters on the upper level and boat storage and a work shop on the lower level. A look out tower will be added to the north end of the building and a covered deck will face Bear Lake. A new shower and bathroom building will be built at the north end of camp in the center of all the campsites and a second shower and bathroom will be built on the south end of camp for our High Adventure participants.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Beginnings of the New Camp Hunt
Friday, October 1, 2010
Adventure Base 100
Thousands of Utah Scouts and families visit Adventure Base 100.
Adventure Base 100 is a traveling Semi truck that breaks down into an scouting activity center for everyone to enjoy. The Adventure Base 100 truck has been canvasing the country with a purpose of sharing the 100 year birthday celebration of the Boy Scouts of America with the entire country. The Semi made it's stop in Utah at the South Town Mall and scouts from Trapper Trails Council, Great Salt Lake Council, and Utah National Parks Council shared in this wonderful experience.
Thanks to the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America for providing the Adventure Base and thank you to the many volunteers that staffed this event.
The climbing wall seen in the pictures has been donated and will be a permanent part of Camp Fife.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Bike the Bear - Great accomplishement
4th Annual Bike the Bear proved to be a great accomplishment. Bike the Bear is a 5o mile bike ride around Bear Lake. Some of our more serious riders chose to tackle the 100 mile ride by riding around the lake twice. The event is the perfect opportunity to get in the 50 mile bike ride required for the cycling merit badge and to be part of something a little bigger than your typical 50 miler. This year we had 650 riders finish this great accomplishment. Most riders make this a two day event by staying the night at beautiful Camp Hunt and sharing a spaghetti dinner on Friday night. Then early Saturday morning the ride begins and ends in Garden City, UT.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Union Pacific Railroad Honors 100 years of the Boy Scouts of America
"Union Pacific and the Boy Scouts of America have played leadership roles in shaping America's history. With the UP No. 2010, we are proud to celebrate 100 years of Scouting, progress and patriotism," said Robert W. Turner, Union Pacific senior vice president-Corporate Relations.
"We are deeply honored by the tribute Union Pacific has given to Scouting through the creation of the commemorative locomotive," said Bob Mazzuca, Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America. "We also owe a great deal of gratitude to our UP employee Scouting alumni base, which has spearheaded the movement to create the UP No. 2010. Their efforts mean that for years to come, the locomotive will serve as a reminder of the impact millions of Scouts have had on this country for 100 years." (
Friday, February 26, 2010
Utah Grizzley Hockey Team Announces Scout Night
CAMP WITH THE UTAH GRIZZLIES!! Friday, March 12th @ 7pm
Celebrating 100 Years Of Scouting!!
Don’t miss Scout Night 2010 at the E-Center!!
• ALL NIGHT CAMPING – Camp out at the E-Center after the game
• MOVIE & SKATING - After the game, camper will skate on the Grizzlies ice and watch a movie on the big screen
• WORK ON YOUR BADGES – Get your skating badge!
• FREE SNACKS - Snacks will be provided for campers
• BREAKFAST - Campers will get a breakfast at 7:30am
• SHOW OFF YOUR SCOUT PRIDE - Wear your uniform to
the game!
• NAME IN LIGHTS - Each troop will be announced over the
PA with the troop name in lights on the Big Screen…
make some noise!!
• SPECIAL SCOUT SEATING - Scouts and their families will be
in specially reserved seats so everyone sits together! You’ll
be right down in the action in your Lower Bowl seat!
• FAMILY FUN - Every participant will receive a ticket to the Grizzlies game and get to enjoy
three hours of fun and excitement together !
$25 Campers (Includes everything listed above)
$10 Scout Night Ticket (Good for Grizzlies Game)
To reserve your group or for any questions contact the Daniel Haupert with the
Utah Grizzlies at 801-988-8021.
2010 Report to the Governor of Utah
In conjunction with the Great Salt Lake Council and the Utah National Parks Council, Scouts and Venture youth from the Trapper Trails Council presented Utah Governor Gary Herbert the report of Scouting for 2010. A memorable occasion for these young men and women, The Governor then declared 2010 as BSA year in the State of Utah.
Council Recognizes 4 Men For Distinguished Service To Youth
On February 12, the council presented the Whitney M. Young and Scouting…Vale la Pena awards to 4 deserving individuals.
The Whitney M. Young award was created to recognize outstanding services by an adult or an organization for demonstrating involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds.
The purpose of the ¡Scouting…Vale la Pena! Service Award is to recognize outstanding services by an adult individual or an organization who has demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for Hispanic American/Latino youth.
As recipients of the Whitney M. Young Service Award, Mr. Jack Greene and Dr. Noall E. Wolff and as recipients of the Scouting. . .Vale la Pena award, Mr. Carlos Roundy and Mr. Mike Hall.
Jack Greene currently serves on the Trapper Trails Council Scoutreach committee. Jack is extensively involved in his community, serving as a Cache Valley Multicultural Committee board member, and director at the Ogden Nature Center, just to name a few. Jack has also served as a Learning for Life leader and Scoutmaster. Jack’s work is dedicated to serving middle school aged youth, high school youth, and university students.
Dr. Noall Wolff currently serves Scouting youth in the Bear Lake District. As a member of the medical staff at Bear Lake Memorial Hospital, Dr. Wolff in known for promoting Scouting in the Bear Lake Valley. His zeal for the Scouting movement is unmatched by most. Dr. Wolff has given leadership as a District Chairman, and as a member of various district subcommittees.
Carlos Roundy currently serves on the Trapper Trails Council Scoutreach committee. Carlos has been heavily involved with the Multicultural efforts in Cache Valley. Currently, Carlos serves as an Assistant Scoutmaster to a Latino scout troop in Cache Valley. Carlos is dedicated to give inner city youth the opportunity to experience the outdoors through camping.
Mike Hall provides a positive image of Scouting in the Hispanic American/Latino community. Mike served as a Unit Commissioner to 3 Hispanic American/Latino units for 2 ½ years, continually extending the image of scouting as he visited his assigned units weekly. One of Mike’s strengths is his ability to continuously help Latino Scout units resolve problems and improve all aspects of their unit operations. He helps the youth to lead as they better understand the aims and methods of Scouting.
The Trapper Trails Council extends sincere congratulations to these 4 men for their efforts in blessing the lives of youth in the Trapper Trails Council.
Ogden City Council Recognizes the 100 year Anniversary of the BSA

Trapper Trails Council Inducts Leadership for 2010
On February 12, 2010 the Trapper Trails Council Conducted its annual business meeting. At the annual business meeting, council officers took their oath of office. These council officers, all volunteers, make up the Council Executive Committee, Executive Board, and Advisory Board Members. Cub Scout Wesley Elmore led the executive officers in their pledge.
Council President: David Wadman
Council Commissioner: Rulon “Bob” Osmond
Vice President over Administration: Jerry Toombs
Vice President over District Operations: Brent Hatch
Vice President over Program:
Vice President over Training: Val Radmall
Vice President over Camping: Tim Parkinson
Vice President over Properties: Russell Tanner
Vice President over Scoutreach: Kurt Rifleman
Vice President over Relationships: Mike Gailey
Vice President over Marketing: Kenny Wright
Vice President over Membership: Ange’ Workman
Vice President over Finance: Robert Stringham
Council Treasurer: Lorenzo “Rennie” Bott
Legal Counsel: David Knowles
Immediate Past Council President: David Rich
Reed Summers Recognized for Efforts as Council Commissioner
On February 12, 2010 the tenure as Council Commissioner for Reed Summers came to an end. Reed has served FAITHFULLY for 3 years as the Trapper Trails Council's commissioner. We appreciate all the efforts of the Reed. Thanks, Reed, for your leadership.
Council Celebrates 100 years of the BSA at Birthday Dinner
Senator Orrin Hatch Serves As Key Note for Mountain View District Eagle Banquet