Under the direction of Kent Jorgensen, Vice President, Scoutreach, the Trapper Trails Council presented the Whitney M. Young Service Award and Vale La Pena awards on February 6, 2009. The awards were presented during a dinner held on the Weber State University campus. Dr. Noel Zabriske, Superintendent - Ogden City Schools was the key note speaker for the evening festivities.
The Whitney M. Young award was created to recognize outstanding services by an adult or an organization who has demonstrated involvement in the development and implementation of Scouting opportunities for youth from rural or low-income urban backgrounds. The following recipients were honored:

Farrell Alleman, rural Scout leader and business leader;
Marsha Prantil, Senior Director of the YMCA of Greater Salt Lake – Ogden;
Ernest Stacy, rural Scout leader in Wyoming.
For the first time in council history, The Trapper Trails Council also presented the Vale la Pena! Award to five outstanding Scouters. The Scouting—Vale la Pena Service Award is used by councils to recognize Scouting volunteers, community leaders, or corporations that have had a positive impact in the service of Hispanic American/Latino youth in urban and rural communities. Congratulations to:
Francisco Carrillo, Hispanic community leader;
Andres Ramos, Young Men General Board of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints;
Rita Ramos, Trapper Trails Council Spanish Training Coordinator;
Kurt Rifleman, physician and community leader;
Alberto Vasquez, Hispanic community leader.
Congratulations to these 8 wonderful individuals. Special thanks to them for their years of decdicated hard work and effort for the youth of the Trapper Trails Council.
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