This year's Scout Night with the Ogden Raptors was a huge success. Over 300 Scouts attended this year's event to promote Scoutreach- Scouting's program to connect with rural and urban boys. America's oldest youth organization and favorite sporting event, baseball, where combined to form a memorable evening.

A local Scout troop from inner city Ogden represented the Trapper Trails Council by presenting the US Flag during the national anthem. The national anthem was sung by local scouter, Bob Peterson.

After the game, Scouts were able to get autographs and run the bases on Lindquist Field. Scouts then gathered their sleeping bags and camped on the outfield. Participants enjoyed watching Disney's "The Sandlot" on the big screen- a fitting tribute to the spirit of inner city youth and baseball.

For more information on the Scoutreach program, call Jeremy Bell at 475-7497 or
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