Elton Sutherland was selected by the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America from a large list of nominees as one of 17 "Distinguished Scoutmasters". Elton and his wife Kathy were honored at the National Meetings held in Orlando, Florida held in 2009.
Elton started as an Assistant Scoutmaster with troop 17 (Chartered with Our Savior's Lutheran Church) in 1996. He became the Scoutmaster 6 months later and held that position for 13 years. Meanwhile, he has served as District Committee member, on numerous training staffs including Wood Badge, and is currently the District Food Drive coordinator. He has received the District Award of Merit, Scoutmaster Award of Merit, and is a Silver Beaver recipient. Recently, Elton helped in the formation of a Venture Crew through Our Savior's Lutheran Church and serves as Crew Assistant Advisor.
Elton takes every Scout request seriously and prayerfully. If the Unit, District, or Council asks Elton to help with something, his first consideration is how Scouts can be better served if he takes on the task. He seeks out opportunities for youth in the co-ed crew he works with to serve and to grow. He has spent 14 years encouraging new Scouts and Eagle Scouts.
He has touched lives of youth, parents, and other Leaders in significant ways.
Elton enjoys scouting and the people it has led him to know. Who can ask for better people to be friends with than Scouters?
Congratulations to Elton Sutherland for receiving the prestigious honor as one of 17 NATIONALLY recognized Scoutmasters to receive the Distinguished Scoutmaster Award.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Trapper Trails Council Scoutmaster Honored at 2009 National BSA Meetings
2010 Philmont Training Center Schedule Announced
Ever had the desire to attend the Philmont Training Center? This is your year! Follow the link to find out more information about course dates and pricing. Do not miss the opportunity to attend state-of-the art training.
Go to: http://www.philmonttrainingcenter.org/courses/index.html
Have You Heard About Kodiak?
The Kodiak Venturing leadership course is unique in that it is offered in an exciting and challenging atmosphere using whatever high-adventure resources you have available. Your crew or council could offer a course backpacking or rafting down a river away from your council or in your local area. Kodiak teaches leadership skills in a fun way that is internalized by the Venturers who take the course. In other words, it is a challenging high-adventure trek with a simple and fun leadership course included. Kodiak is not taught indoors or in a classroom; it is done completely outdoors using nature’s examples of leadership.
It is …
1. Fun!
2. Relevant to each participant’s life.
3. Internalized by participants.
4. Based on nature.
5. Based on the servant leader concept.
6. Course Methods
It is taught by two instructors (one adult and one youth if possible) in an "instructor team."
Only five skills are taught. They are called "commissions." The five commissions are:
1. Effective Teams
2. Values/Vision
3. Communications
4. Decision Making
5. Planning
It is based on symbolism using the Kodiak bear. Commissions are introduced with a hands-on exercise followed by a short presentation, then reinforced with one or more exercises. It uses constant reinforcement. It creates an older teen leadership fraternity.
Check out more about Kodiak at: www.kodiak-bsa.org
Effective January 4, 2010. . .
Trapper Trails Council recently announced personnel changes affecting several districts in the council, effective Monday, January 4, 2010.
Kim Hardcastle will serve as District Executive for the Lakeview district
Gary Weeks will serve as District Executive for the Mt. Ogden district
Graham Allen will serve as District Executive for the Island View district
Tom Hunsaker will serve as a Exploring Executive seeking new partnerships with groups and organizations throughout the council to sponsor Exploring units.
Please refer any questions to Director of Field Service Michael Jenkins at 801-479-5460.
Council Announces the Hiring of New District Executive
The Trapper Trails Council, Boy Scouts of America recently hired Graham Allen to serve as a District Executive for the Island View District. The Island View District annually serves more than 2,500 registered youth and 1,000 volunteer leaders in Sunset, Clinton, West Point and Clearfield.
Allen started work for the Trapper Trails Council November 2nd. He is responsible to oversee District program development, youth recruitment and involvement, Unit leadership training and District fundraising. Additionally, Allen has been assigned to direct the Council’s local Cub-day camp, Camp Fife, located outside of Tremonton.
“We are excited to have Graham join our team,” Michael Marchese, Trapper Trails Council’s CEO and Executive Director of Scouting said. “His professional skills, personal drive and motivational energy move people and accomplish tasks that benefit boys and volunteers.”
Prior to working for the Trapper Trails Council, Allen worked as a Public Relations professional.
Allen recently graduated from Weber State University where he received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication.
We welcome Graham to the Trapper Trails Council team! Expect GREAT things from him. He brings charisma and talent to serve you!
100 year Celebration Activity #1: 100 year Birthday Dinner
Be honest with yourself . . . the kid in you LOVES birthday parties. The first official centennial celebration activity will be a birthday bash fit only for a centenarian! The 100-year birthday party will not only serve as the kick-off to the year-long celebration, but will be an event never to be forgotten!
The setting for the event will be at the eclectic Eccles Conference Center in downtown Ogden. Phenomenal displays, entertainment from local musician Jon Schmidt, outstanding guest speakers Tico Perez (BSA National Commissioner) and Utah Governor Gary Herbert, flag ceremonies, and an elegant dinner will all be a part of the evening.
What would a Scouting event be without singing? You will not want to miss the gathering of 700+ Civic, Community, Religious, and Scouting leaders singing “Happy Birthday” to an organization deserving of such recognition!
There could be no better way to celebrate – with scouting friends old and new! Talk to your friends, neighbors, and family members. MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY! Tickets for this event will be available December 1, 2009, and will not last long!
Who participates: Adults old and new, young or old!
Location: George S. Eccles Conference Center
2415 Washington Blvd. Ogden, UT 84401
Date: Friday, February 12, 2010
Time: 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Cost: $30.00/person
Registration: Online at www.trappertrails.org
Leave A Legacy – Centennial Awards Requirements: Fulfills elective Character Award
Trapper Trails Council Now on Facebook
The Trapper Trails Council proudly announces that it now has a page on Facebook. We encourage ALL members (adult and youth) of the council to become a "fan" of the Trapper Trails Council to receive frequent information and updates on the happenings, events, and news of the BSA and the Trapper Trails Council. Information will also be posted on the council blog; but in the event of 21st century communication facebook is a great way for the council to communicate with you!
Check the council out on Facebook! Become a "fan" today!
Council Order of the Arrow Lodge Awaxxaawe Awachia Leadership Changes Announced
Ken Jeppesen, local volunteer and vigil member of the Order of the Arrow has been selected to serve as the next lodge advisor for the council's Order of the Arrow lodge. Ken will succeed Dennis Stockberger, who has served as Lodge Advisor since 2007. Ken grew up in the Cache Valley, and now lives in Davis County. He brings with him a wealth of leadership experience and knowledge to lead the Order of the Arrow Lodge to the next step. We are excited to welcome Ken to this new position. Ken has most recently served as Section Advisor for the Order of the Arrow, a position he has held for nearly 3 years.
Appreciation is expressed to Dennis Stockberger for his leadership to the Lodge for the last several years.
Ken's appointment will be in effect at the 2010 Founders Festival in February. For more details about the order of the arrow, how to join, and when key dates for the lodge are, visit the lodge website at: http://www.lodge535.org/
2010 Patch Program Available in Council Service Centers on January 4, 2010
As a part of the 2010 Celebration, the 2010 "Leave A Legacy" Puzzle Patch program was introduced to unit, district, and council leadership at the October 2009 Council All-Hands conference. The puzzle patch set is a six piece patch set that seeks to engage youth and adults in the centennial celebration of the Boy Scouts of America in the Trapper Trails Council.
There will be a lot of fun memories made in Scouting in 2010. This year of celebration will afford the once-in-a –lifetime opportunity for all who participate to fulfill the vision of the centennial theme: celebrating the adventure, continuing the journey.
The centennial patch awards program has been carefully designed to augment the theme;
Every unit should participate in the 2010 centennial patch awards program! The patch program is a puzzle patch, made up of 6 segment patches that when put together complete a meaningful, larger patch. A picture of the patch and requirements can be accessed from www.trappertrails.org at the centennial website
The purpose of completing this patch will help Scout units by:
Increasing participation
Encouraging trained unit leaders
Teaching scouting ideals
Building group unity
Teaching boys to serve others.
Throughout 2010, it is hoped that unit leaders will take the opportunity to talk about 3 things:
1. The five individuals credited for playing a major role in the development of the Boy Scouts of America: William D. Boyce, Ernest Seton Thompson, Daniel Carter Beard, James E. West, and Lord Robert Baden-Powell. Brief Descriptions of the lives of these five men are found at the centennial website in the 2010 award patch program section.
2. The five ideals listed on the patches: Character, Leadership, Service, Outdoors (Respect for, and participation in), and Achievement.
3. What it means to Leave a Legacy.
Acquiring Patches:
There will be no formal way of certifying completion of requirements; it has been structured to be “on my honor.” Patch segments are available for purchase after January 1, 2010 at all council service centers.
The cost is $1.00 for each segment ($6.00 for each set).
Available at council service centers or online at www.trappertrails.org at the centennial website
Group Makes Art Presentation to Trapper Trails Council
Why not make Bike the Bear One of your Scout Units MUST DO Activities of 2010?
2009 was a record year for annual Bike the Bear event held at Camp Hunt in Garden City! Nearly 700 Scouts and leaders rode around Bear Lake; up from 500 the year before. Why not make the 2010 event a part your year.
Scout Troop Enjoys Memorable Trip Across The Pond
By Stu Parkinson, Assistant Scoutmaster, Troop One, Logan, Utah
Troop 1 Leaders & Scouts visit the birthplace of scouting - Brownsea Island
Boy Scout Troop One from Logan, Utah (Sponsored by the Logan Lions Club-Old Ephraim District) arrived July 17 in London, England to participate in their fifth international scouting exchange since 1996 with scouts from Ashford, Kent, England. The 2009 scouting exchange was scheduled from July 16-August 10, and involved six scouts and three adult leaders from Troop One; Scoutmaster Tom Hogan, and Assistant Scoutmasters Randy Martin and Nicholas Major.
Before departing for the United Kingdom, I planned with Assistant Scoutmaster Randy Martin to develop a news blog, so that relatives of those scouts and leaders going to England could keep up to date with their daily activities. In reality, this news blog turned out to be so much more. Cache Valley radio station KVNU-AM updated their listening audience on a regular basis of the noteworthy activities Troop One was involved in, via the news blog Randy and I had developed.
Presently, plans are in the works to have Troop One host fourteen leaders and scouts from Ashford, Kent, UK in the summer of 2010. Troop One host families will provide accommodations for our English friends, and will take them on excursions in the northern Utah area. Other plans involve taking English and Troop One scouts and leaders to a Trapper Trails Council summer camp, along with a week-long visit to the Jackson Hole, Wyoming and the surrounding area.
Rather than go into detail in this article of Troop One’s remarkable exploits during their nearly one month stay in the United Kingdom, I shall simply let you readers visit the online news blog, and read for yourselves about the incredible journey these nine scouters were fortunate to experience.
Wood Badge A Memory Maker For ALL!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Baden-Powell University Set for September 19, 2009
If you have not had a chance to register for Baden-Powell University; now is time to do so!

3rd Annual Bike-the-Bear Ride Hailed A Success
By: Nelson Palmer, Bike-the Bear Chairman
At 6am the music blaring for a camp alarm clock from Jason Eborn's Mustang. It was a great mix of scout and bike culture. The Bike-the-Bear day had begun!
We had over 400 riders. We had expected about 250. We ran out of T-Shirts and had to take orders. Some of the scouts ended up with large shirts. There were 100’s of stories worth telling from it. There were a lot of great volunteers, especially the Order of the Arrow chapter from the Old Juniper District, the Bridgerland Amatuer Radio Club, and others...
Kory Pitcher of Joyride Bikes in Logan was a great support on the course. He brought his wife and son who rode the course. Kory took his daughter in the truck and they drove around the lake and helped those in need. He handed out water and water bottles. He helped with some flat tires, minor adjustments and a few other things.
There was a family that had several young kids that rode around. The 5 and 8 year old kids rode around the lake. The father rode a dual type bike with one of the kids. The mother came in with a trailer and a 2 year old.One young man rode the full 50 mile course on a hand driven bike; for the 3rd year in a row with his father! Others from his family also rode.
Another rider, a cancer survivor, her husband and others from their family rode the route. She had recently learned to ride a multispeed bike. Her bike was at least 40 years old, but in very good running condition.
One man visiting from New York saw a poster and decided to support the Scouts and walked into the lodge to signup. He rented a bike and rode around the lake for the ride. He was so excited when he finished that he spent almost an hour helping direct traffic at the end!
These area few of the many positive stories that have come out of this years Bike-the Bear ride.
There were mountain bikes, BMX bikes, new carbon fiber bikes, old steel bikes, super market bikes and professional bikes and more there. The people riding were from ages 5 to into their 70’s. Scouts and non-scout youth, Scouters and non-scouters, friends of friends, strong cyclists and first time riders all joined together. It was awesome!
What a great day and event!
Do not miss out on this unique opportunity in 2010. The Bike-the-Bear ride will be an official 100 year celebration activity as a part of the centennial celebration of the Boy Scouts of America in 2010. Details and other information will be available at http://www.trappertrails.org/. For questions related to Bike-the-Bear, contact Jason Eborn at 801-479-5460 or by emailing him at jeborn@bsamail.org
Monday, June 15, 2009
Doing A Good Turn Daily. . .For 100 years
Most of you know about Scouting For Food. It is an annual Good Turn Activity - and something that has a huge impact on the community you live in! Scouts from every corner of the Trapper Trails Council participate, and have done so for a very long time.

Baden-Powell University 2009
Opening Ceremony: 8:30 AM
Class Sessions:
A: 9:00 AM—9:50 AM
B: 9:55 AM—10:45 AM
C: 10:50 AM—11:40 AM
D: 11:45 AM—12:30 PM
Lunch: 12:30 PM—1:25 PM
E: 1:30 PM—2:15 PM
F: 2:20 PM—3:10 PM
- In person at your local service center
- Mail your registration for to: Trapper Trails Council 1200 E. 5400 S. Ogden, UT 84404
- Online at http://www.trappertrails.org/
- In person at the university
Contact your local service center for more details about Baden-Powell University. Do not miss out on this wonderful supplemental training experience.
Trapper Trails Council Unveils its 100 year Celebration Logo

Nominate a Scouter to the National Hall of Leadership Today!
Nominate them to the BSA 100th Anniversary Hall of Leadership!
Access online registration by using the link at http://www.trappertrails.org/ or put this link into your web browser: http://ww2.scouting.org/100years/100years/NationalHallofLeadership.aspx
The nomination period is open for one year, from February 8, 2009 to February 8, 2010. One inductee will be selected from each local BSA council in the country along with one from the national office. Inductees will be announced at the BSA National Annual Meeting in Dallas in May 2010.
Annual "Bike the Bear" Activity Coming Up
The 3rd annual "Bike the Bear" activity is quickly approaching. It will be held at Camp Hunt on August 22, 2009 (August 21 - 22, 2009 if you plan to camp overnight with your Scout unit).
This event is fully supported with bicycle mechanics and rest stops about every 10 miles of the 50-mile loop trip around beautiful Bear Lake, to re-fuel and make sure all have a great experience!.
The 50 mile and 100 mile divisions begin and end at Camp Hunt, located on the west shore of Bear Lake in Garden City, Utah. Overnight camping will be available at Camp Hunt for Scout units who would like to participate in the pre-event festivities, such as a pasta dinner before the ride.
The Event Schedule is as Follows:
Friday: August 21
4-8 Friday Night sign in
6-8pm Friday Night Pasta Dinner
Saturday: August 22
6:30-7:45am Saturday sign-in
7am: 100 mile start time
7:15am: First 50 mile start time
8am: Last start time
2:30pm: End of Road support by Council
For a registration, click on the following link: http://www.trappertrails.net/pdfdocs/btbflyer09.pdf
With questions, please contact Jason at the council office at 801-479-5460.
Do not miss out on this great event!
FYI. . .Training Updates
Training Updates
June 2009
Selected councils will pilot required training for direct-contact leaders in 2010. Plans are in development to require training for all direct-contact leaders in 2011. Councils should prepare to make training more readily available and to expand their training teams.
The national Web site, www.scouting.org, has been redesigned and will soon be much more user friendly. To get to training information, click on Volunteer, then Training, and you will see the new and improved training resource page.
This Is Scouting is now up and running. It is a six-module training course that can be completed in about an hour. It replaces New Leader Essentials. It is now available on DVD. The catalog number is 36118, and it retails for $9.99. The training code is WAO1. New Leader Essentials should now be discontinued.
The National Office had slightly over 50,000 completed training courses on the Online Training Center during the month of February and slightly over 80,000 completed training courses in March.
A new supplemental training courses now online include Interfaith Worship, Bullying, Leave No Trace, and Disc Golf. These courses can be downloaded to be used as a course outline or they can be a self-study. More new courses are in development.
The Trainer’s Edge course, which replaces Trainer Development is specifically intended for training Wood Badge and NYLT staff and is a daylong course that is focused on platform skills. The syllabus can be downloaded by going to www.scouting.org/boyscouts/adult/training.
The Philmont Training Center will offer a wide range of training courses in 2009. A complete list of the courses is on www.scouting.org. Registration can be completed on www.myscouting.org. The password is “waite.”
Hazardous Weather training is on the Online Learning Center. As of January 1, 2009, it became required to be completed by at least one person in a unit for the unit to receive a tour permit.
ScoutParent Unit Coordinator Fast Start is now on available online. For each unit to participate in the ScoutParents program, they must designate a ScoutParent unit coordinator who will coordinate parent involvement in unit activities.
As of January 1, 2009, the tour permit also requires at least one person to have completed Youth Protection Training within the past two years. BALOO does not have a two-year shelf life.
Two other new training courses are now available online. Both Trek Safely (S76) and Climb On Safely (S74) are available for Scouters to complete. Both of these courses have a two-year shelf life.
A Kodiak mountain trek for Venturing youth and older Boy Scouts will be offered this summer at Philmont Scout Ranch the week of July 26-Aug. 1. Registration is handled through www.myscouting.org. The password is “waite.” Family members can attend a training course at the training center while their youth are hiking the trek.
The centennial edition (12th) of the Boy Scout Handbook will be available in August 2009. It will feature a mixture of parts of many of the early handbooks with a 21st century flair. The handbook features chapters on Leadership and Leave No Trace, which both are firsts. There will be a supplemental 100-year timeline book with the first printing and a mini-book with the rank requirements that is pocket size. A Web site will provide in-depth information on many subjects.
Training courses that require people to be re certified include BSA Lifeguard (three years), Paddle Craft Safety (three years), Swimming & Water Rescue (three years), Climb On Safely (two years), Trek Safely (two years), Safe Swim Defense (two years), Safety Afloat (two years), Camp Visitation (two years), Chainsaw Safety (two years), and National Camp School (five camping seasons).
A new resource of information that you may not be aware of is now available on http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org.
COR fast start training is in development and will soon be available online.
The Florida National High Adventure Sea Base will be the site of a Volunteer Development Training Conference the week of Jan. 18-23, 2010. Courses to be offered will be Strictly for Scoutmasters, Strictly for Cubmasters, Advancement Policy and Procedures, Webelos to First Class, Geo cache and Scouting, and Administration of Venturing. Additional information and registration is available on www.scouting.org.
Annual Varsity Scout Rendezvous A Success!
By Reese Gregory
So how did the Varsity Scout Mountain Man Rendezvous turn out this last weekend (June 4th - 6th)? Well, let me tell ya’…
I pulled into camp just before sunset. The first thing I noticed was the old canvas tents and period lean-tos in the staff camp area. When I got a little closer I noticed the leather leggings and cotton shirts with deer antler buttons, bone and brass beads, fox skin head dresses, moccasins, powder horns and hand-made knives of all sorts and sizes. So I think to myself, “These guys are really into this stuff!”
Then Brock Benson, the Booshway (rendezvous leader), and I went around to visit the Varsity Team campsites. Right away I regretted my first mistake—I had already eaten dinner before visiting the campsites. As we wound around the columns of smoke and Dutch ovens we realized that nearly every campsite was just finishing up their dinner and had offerings for us. We sampled Dutch oven potatoes, barbecued chicken with a bit of an Australian barbeque twist, t-bone steaks with an incredible marinade seasoning, and the traditional tin foil dinners, each with their own creative touch. We even came across a Dutch oven chocolate cake laced with fresh blackberries and blueberries. The cook was whisking up home-made whipped cream as we spoke. Just as with the old Mt. Man rendezvous, these guys each brought with them the ideas, customs and techniques from wherever they had come. Again I thinks, “These guys are good!”
Many of the Team coaches commented on the prime location. Camp Fife is beautiful this time of year. With the extra rain we’ve had this Spring, the Bear River was high and everything was lush and green. We watched a few pelicans fishing on the river, a bald eagle swoop down and make his catch, and deer grazing on the hillside. There’s something fundamentally rejuvenating about being in a setting like this.
Friday morning started about 6:00 a.m. with breakfast and a flag ceremony, then on to the games. The day was spent in Mt. Man activities such as black powder rifle shooting, archery, knife and ‘hawk throwing, scrimshaw (carving on bone), cabor tossing, fire building without matches, trap setting, and in true Mt. Man fashion, a nap or two here and there during an occasional, quickly passing thunderstorm. We capped off the day with a Mt. Man feast of beef stew cooked over the open fire in a huge cast-iron cauldron, followed by a traditional trading blanket and a campfire program. The day’s events, followed by a hearty, hot stew—a perfect recipe for a peaceful night’s sleep. A little rain and a big train, but I think we expected that.
Saturday was the final event, the Coulter Run. Each team made the rounds to each of the events they had practiced the day before in a timed race, scoring extra points for marksmanship, accuracy and distance, etc. I was amazed at how much the boys had learned in these stations. Most teams were able to complete the run in less than 15 minutes! That’s with 7 events, most of which these boys had never before done until they came to this camp! There was a quick awards assembly with prizes for the winners, including Dutch ovens, a big yellow water cooler, knives and camping equipment.
Speaking of which, we need to thank those who donated and/or gave us a break on prizes and some of the materials needed for the Rendezvous: IFA, Ace Hardware, R&R Hardware and Kent’s Market in Tremonton. Smith and Edwards has supported us this year and in the past with knives and equipment. Thanks to Brock Benson and a terrific staff for putting on the event! And thanks to all the Varsity Team coaches for taking time from their families and bringing their boys to this event. Plans are already in the works for next year’s Varsity Scout Mt. Man Rendezvous. We look to have the location, date, and rough details in place by September. Keep an eye on trappertrails.org for details!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
2009 Ogden Area Scout-o-rama held at Fort Buenaventura
The 2009 Ogden area Scout-o-rama was held at Fort Buenaventura on May 15-16. Nearly 2,000 Scouts and adult leaders attended an event organized and executed by phenomenal committee of volunteers.
Highlights of this years Scout-o-rama included:
- kayaks, canoes, and row boats
- rifle range
- archery range
- tomahawk range
- Apache helicopter
- blacksmith
Many units participated by having a booth at the event. Old or young, fun was had all! Special thanks to Paul Bissell, 2009 Scout-o-rama chairman and his amazing committee for arranging for and executing a well planned and organized Scouting event!
Thanks to all units who participated with a booth, or set up something like a Monkey Bridge for other to participate in.
In addition, units were able to camp inside of the park, whereas in previous years, troops had been asked to camp outside of the park. This was a pleasant change for many this year.
In 2010, the Scout-o-rama will be a council-wide event. As a part of the centennial of the Boy Scouts of America, the council will be hosting a Jamborall at the Weber County Fairgrounds and Golden Spike events center next year. A more detailed schedule of events and dates will be announced in June.
Your unit should plan on attending this top-class event!
Camp Hunt: A True Jewel for Scouting
By Josh Haacke

Monday, May 18, 2009
Wilderness First Aid Course Completed
Monday, May 11, 2009
James E. West Fellowship Honor Given To Council Volunteer
On May 8, 2009, the Trapper Trails Council presented the James E. West fellowship award to local council volunteer Herschel Hester. Herschel is a dedicated Scout leader, representing the Catholic church tirelessly on the council relationships committee.
The James E. West fellowship award is is an National BSA Endowment recognition award. Encouraging gifts that endow local Scouting is one of the best ways to ensure that the council can continue to offer outstanding programs while growing to meet the needs of the youth and communities it serves. The West Fellowship award is available for gifts of $1,000.00 and up in cash or marketable securities to the council endowment fund. The gift must be in addition to - and not replace or diminish - the donor's annual support of Friends of Scouting.
James E. West was the first Chief Scout Executive of the Boy Scouts of America, and he served in that position for more than three decades. If an institution is truly "the lengthened shadow of one man," it is more than fitting the the BSA honor James E. West's contributions to Scouting in such a significant way.
Thanks to Herschel for his efforts; and congratulations to him in receiving this honor.
Rare Venturing Youth Leader Award Bestowed Upon Local Venture
At the Executive Board Dinner held on May 8, 2009, the Trapper Trails Council recognized Cade Walker for his superior achievements in the Venturing Program. Cade is a member of Crew 427, based out of Tremonton, Utah.
The VENTURING LEADERSHIP AWARD recognizes Venture youth and adults who have shown exceptional dedication and given outstanding leadership and service to Venturing while exemplifying the Venturing Code. The award is presented in 3 categories: Council, Regional, National.
Cade has performed his duties in an exemplary manner. He has demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, selfless dedication, and steadfast determination to spreading Venturing throughout the community. His ability and devotion reflect great credit upon him, his parents, the Trapper Trails Council, and the Boy Scouts of America.
In addition to the Venturing Leadership Award, Cade has also earned the Religious Life Bronze Award, and Venturing Gold Award. He is close to earning the highest award in Venturing, the Silver Award.
The Trapper Trails Council is honored to present the Council Venturing Leadership to Cade, and congratulate him on this honor.
Annual Scout Night At The Ball Park Announced
Scouting and baseball - two American legends will come together on July 10, 2009.
Scout units are encouraged to register early for this year's Scout Night with the Ogden Raptors! During the game, participants will enjoy hot dogs and drinks and on-field activities. After the game, Scouts will be able to get player's autographs, run the bases, and camp overnight on Lindquist Field. Participants will enjoy watching Disney's "The Sandlot" on the big screen - a fitting tribute to the spirit of inner-city youth and baseball.
Register now! Tickets range from $11-$13.50. Sign-up at your local Scout Service Center; registration ends on July 3.
To download a registration form, go to www.trappertrails.org and click on the "Ogden Raptors Scout Night at the ball park" link
For questions, contact Jeremy at 801.475.7497 or jeremy.bell@scouting.org
See you there!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Powder What?
POWDERHORN. What is it? It is a high octane training designed to help adult leaders safely conduct outdoor activities of a fun and challenging nature. It provides an introduction to the recourses needed to successfully lead their youth through a program of outdoor adventure. This course is based upon the Ranger requirements giving participants an exposure to some outdoor/high adventure activities and not a certification event. Even though the course is based upon the Ranger program, it is still useful for any adult involved in delivering a unit-level high adventure program.Learning Objectives
After completing the Powder Horn course, you can expect the following outcomes:
Ø Introduction to the skills necessary to operate their outdoor program and the various certifications necessary and how to obtain those certifications
Ø Knowledge of how to identify local resources and consultants for high adventure activities
Ø Detailed knowledge of the Ranger Award and associated Silver Award requirements.
Ø Knowledge of the health and safety requirements of the Boy Scouts of America as they apply to outdoor programs.
Ø Knowledge of the rules and regulations of the Boy Scouts of America as they apply to outdoor programs
Come and give Powder Horn a try! This year's course runs from June 29-July 4 at Camp Bartlett. It is an awesome training expereince. With questions regarding Powder Horn, contact your local council service center.
Camp Keisel: A Versatile Camp For Nearly 90 Years

2009 Camp Season Preparations Underway
The huge task of making the 2009 season a success has been underway for nearly a year now. Staff selections and training has taken place, program materials have been checked, repaired, cleaned or replaced, and projects at several of the council camps are well under way. These are all in preparation for the upcoming camp season, which begins in a little less than one month.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Another Trapper Trails Council Scout Quoted in Boy's Life Magazine
Proof Scouts Really Do Care About Boy's Life Magazine!
Finally, physical proof that Boy's Life magazine really has been appreciated in Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming for many year! Several days ago, a Trapper Trails Council staff member was sifting through old photographs in preparation for the upcoming 100 year celebration of Scouting and came across this wonderful old picture of troop 11 (River Heights LDS 1st Ward) taken in 1917. What are the boys reading? Boys Life magazine.
To explain a little further, the Trapper Trails Council boasts one of the lowest percentages of subscribing youth to Boy's Life Magazine in the nation. There are a flurry of reasons, but the predominant reason is that parents of youth are often not asked to subscribe.
To subscribe to Boy's Life magazine, contact your Chartered Representative, Unit Commissioner, or call Sheila at the council office (801-479-5460).
Trapper Trails Proudly Recognizes Support Staff Members
The members of support staff of the Trapper Trails Council were honored this past week as a part of Administrative Professionals Day, which was last Thursday.
You may or may not recognize the dedicated work support staff team does to help you provide the best service to you to help you in making your Scout unit(s) successful. Each support staff member brings with them a long list of talent and personality that makes our offices wonderful places to visit (and work). These wonderful support staff members work long hours and do a lot of "behind-the-scenes" things that help the office, production, camps, registration, programs, data entry and advancements go smoothly. Without their work, the office would be consistently overloaded with essential tasks to be completed. With the Trapper Trails Council support staff members we are blessed with, the Trapper Trails Council does A LOT extremely efficiently. Well deserved credit goes to these faithful employees who work very hard to be professional and successful. Thanks to each of member of the support staff for their efforts!
The next time you come into one of the Council Offices, remember to thank the wonderful members of the support staff who diligently work hard to make your experience at the office a pleasant one.
Annual Council Wide Varsity Games a Success!
One of the best kept secrets of Scouting is the Varsity program! The best of Varsity Scouting was witnessed today at the Varsity Games, held at the Pleasant View LDS stake center, near Weber High School. Nearly 30 teams of boys participated in a wide range of "Olympic" style activities.
The Varsity games is skill based competition with a wide range of activities that challenge the mind as well as the body. Varsity team members could be found competing in activities such as: music, art, "general knowledge," running, long jump, sit-ups, push-ups, and the standing long jump just to name a few.
1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals were presented to participating youth in over 30 categories!
In addition to the council sponsored games, the Elk Horn district held Varsity Games for 20 teams in the Cache Valley. Another well planned event for the benefit of Varsity age youth structured very similar to the Council sponsored games! The Varsity games is not a new activity. It has been around as long as Varsity Scouting has existed.
Special thanks to Paul Hulet, Games Chairman and to Calvin Carlson for their organizing this spectacular event. Thanks to the nearly 30 volunteers who helped to staff events and mediate the games.
Plan on getting your team involved in 2010! Dates for the 2010 Varsity Games will be announced in September of this year. For more information regarding Varsity Scouting or the Varsity Games, call your local Scout service center.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Ogden Area Risk Management Training Concludes As A Success
Scout leaders from the Ogden area convened at the Ogden BSA office on Saturday, April 18. From 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Leaders were instructed on the basics of program planning, budgeting, tour permits, and the principles of Leave No Trace. Specific break-out sessions included an overview course of First Aid, and certification courses in Climb on Safely, Trek Safely, Safe Swim Defense, Safety Afloat, Chain Saw Safety, and Inclement weather.
Risk Management training was organized by the Trapper Trails Council in 2008. The purpose of this training is to use it as an avenue to instruct and educate leaders of Venture Crews, Varsity Teams, and Boy Scout Troops on specified topics as a way to help units conduct, from beginning to end, a success and SAFE High Adventure Trek.
There is no cost for this training. Leaders can also participate in the on line version of all certification courses at the MYSCOUTING website.
Another Risk Management Training has been scheduled for this Saturday, April 25, 2009 in the Cache Valley. The training will be held from 9:00 AM -1:00 PM at the Wellsville Tabernacle.
Questions? Contact Josh at 801-479-5460
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Den Chief Conference A Success
On April 11, the Trapper Trails Council sponsored a Den Chief Conference, and it was awesome!!! It was great fun to see the Den Chiefs that were in attendance learn about how to do their job and to also come to understand how important it was.
Liz Miller, Council Cub Scout Training Chairman said, “I laughed really hard to see the Den Chiefs racing the leaders that were there in the crab walk relay. I have never seen anyone crab walk that fast. The Den Chiefs were awesome at it. The leaders that participated did it in true Cub Scout Style they, ‘Did their Best!’”
Seasoned Den Leaders know the value of a Den Chief! A Den Chief is a youth leader, a “helper” who comes to den meeting. He usually is a member of a Boy Scout Troop. As a Den Chief, he is responsible for the following:
· Knowing the purposes of Cub Scouting
· Helping boys achieve the purposes of Cub Scouting
· Being the activities assistant in den meetings
· Setting a good example through attitude and uniforming
· Taking part in weekly den meetings
· Assists the den in its part of the monthly pack program
· Being a friend to the boys in the den
· Meeting as needed with adult leaders
Simply put, a Den Chief is a valuable (and most often unknown or unused) resource for you Cub Scout Pack.
Do not know how to get a Den Chief for your den? Talk to your Chartered Organization Representative or contact Liz Miller at cubscouterlizzie@comcast.net.
The Trapper Trails Council will be holding another conference on December 5, 2009 in the Cache Valley Area. Please let everyone know and come and join us in a morning of learning, fun and games.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Final 22 Silver Beaver Awards Presented at Ceremony in Cache Valley
22 of 56 recipients of the prestigious Silver Beaver award were formally presented this award on Friday, April 10, 2009 at a ceremony attended by nearly 300 people. Scout spirit was alive and well at the evening! The awards ceremony was followed by a reception where the recipients were congratulated by friends and family. The other 34 Silver Beaver recipients were recognized at a ceremony held on April 3, 2009 at Northridge High School in Davis county.
Between the 56 Silver Beaver recipients this year, nearly 1,400 collective years of service has been rendered to the youth of the Trapper Trails Council.
The Trapper Trails Council extends sincere congratulations and appreciation to these recipients for their tireless service to the youth of the council.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
New Leader Essentials Training Replaced with "This Is Scouting"
Effective April 1, 2009, New Leader's Essential training has been replaced by a new on-line training called: "This Is Scouting". Leaders can access this online training 2 ways:
A. Go to www.scouting.org.
B. Click on MYSCOUTING at the top of the home page
C. If you have an account already set-up, log-in. Otherwise you will need to set up your personal account.
D. Click on the E-LEARNING link.
E. Click on the training you are going to take.
A.Go to www.trappertrails.org.
B. Click on the TRAINING link on the left side of the page.
C. Click on the NEW LEADERS link.
D. Click on THIS IS SCOUTING LINK at the top of the page
E. Click on MYSCOUTING at the top of the page.
F. If you have an account already set-up, log-in. Otherwise, you will need to set up your personal account.
G. Click on the E-LEARNING link.
H. Click on the training you are going to take.
Please contact the council office for help or with questions.
Want to Attend Philmont? Register Online!
Attending a training session at Philmont is the opportunity of a lifetime! Philmont has introduced online registration for all of its courses.
Registering online is easy. To register online, follow these easy directions:
1. Go to the “myscouting” log on screen
a. If you have not created an account, you will need to do so. OR
b. Go into existing account
Whether or not you creating an account or going into an existing account, you will need:
· the council number (589) and
· your membership ID # (on your membership ID card or call your
local Trapper Trails Council office to obtain)
2. Sign-In
3. Click on “Event Reservations” (You can also view a list of training courses and dates for the
current year)
4. Click on “Philmont Training Center”
5. Click on “Training Center Registration”
6. Enter the following password: waite (all lower case)
7. Fill out the required information.
Need help or have questions? Contact your local Trapper Trails Council Service Center, or go to www.trappertrails.org
Valid Choice for a Unit Fundraiser: www.orderpopcorn.com
it seems that as each year passes, more and more Americans are turning to the Internet as a tool to purchase commodities of life.
The Boy Scouts of America has had a long standing relationship with Trails End popcorn as a fundraising option for Scout units. Trails End popcorn has recently stepped up efforts to help Scout units sell popcorn through the web site: www.orderpopcorn.com.
Ordering popcorn online is an easy alternative for Scouts selling popcorn, units managing popcorn, and patrons purchasing popcorn. For Scouts to sell popcorn online the process is easy! Scouts only need to receive a key code for patrons to enter into the order popcorn system, and then email and/or call their friends/family to ask them to go to the website and purchase popcorn product. Unit leaders only need to work with the Scout office to gain key codes for their youth selling. Patrons simply order what they want, pay online, and the product is shipped to them directly from the factory. In other words, there is no money collection, popcorn delivery, or other time consuming fundraising related effort other than selling!
In order to receive funds generated from online popcorn sales, units must register with the council. For more information regarding www.orderpopcorn.com, contact Josh at 801-479-5460.
Council Announces 2010 Jamboree Shoulder Strip Patch Fundraiser
The Trapper Trails Council is proud to announce the 2010 National Jamboree Shoulder Strip fundraiser. All funds raised from the sale of Jamboree Shoulder Strips will benefit youth travelling to the 2010 National Jamboree at Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia.
The shoulder strips for the National Jamboree reflect the theme of the Trapper Trails Council.
150 Limited edition, numbered shoulder strips with the jacket center patch and Order of the Arrow flap/chevron are available for purchase at any of the council service centers for $150.00 FOR THE SET. Set are moving quickly, so collectors will not want to wait to get the set!
Unnumbered sets (includes 8 Jamboree Shoulder Strips and Jacket Center Patch) are available for $100.00/set.
A single jamboree shoulder strip is available for $10.00/ea.
Contact your local Trapper Trails Council office for more details on the purchase of these patches.
Thank you for supporting the Youth participating in the 2010 National Jamboree.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Catholic Community Services Expresses Gratitude for Scouting For Food Donations
Thanks again for the efforts of the thousands of young men and leaders who made Scouting For Food successful! Here is an example of one expression of thanks from a local food pantry who benefited from the efforts of March 28, 2009:
2 Local Boy Scouts Recognized in April Edition of Boys Life Magazine
Congratulations to Braden W., member of troop 592 - Kays LDS Ward, who submitted a great idea to Boys Life magazine - and won $10.00 for it!

Trapper Trails Council Announces Hiring of New Scout Executive
On April 1, 2009 Michael Marchese was selected as the new Scout Executive for the Trapper Trails Council.
Mike describes himself as an enthusiastic Scout, husband and father. He became a Boy Scout in Sacramento, California in 1978. He then moved to and grew up on the Oregon Coast in Brookings, Oregon with his family. He was also a Boy Scout in the Oregon Trail Council, he would eventually be employed.
His Professional Scouting career began in Coos Bay, Oregon, as District Executive where he served the lower third of the Oregon coast. He was promoted to District Director in Eugene, Oregon. Served as Camp Director on the Oregon Coast from 1995-1998 and is a brotherhood member of the Order of Arrow.
Mike became Assistant Scout Executive of the Oregon Trail Council in May 1998.
He was then promoted to Idaho in November 2002 after his selection as Director of Field Service for Grand Teton Council.
In April 2006, Mike and his family relocated to Gilbert, Arizona when he was promoted to Director of Field Service and Chief Operating Officer for Grand Canyon Council. Mike has been tasked with guiding 24 Executive Field Staff members who support 20,500 volunteers, 22 Districts, the Friends of Scouting campaign, Membership and Commissioner Service, as well as legal and fiscal controls.
Mike and his wife Cherylann, have a daughter, Katie, age 8, and son Christian 6.
He is Wood Badge trained and served on staff in 2003 as a Troop Guide.
Mike served at the 2005 National Jamboree and plans to serve in 2010 as the Administration Chief, for Western Region, BSA.
Mike graduated from the University of Oregon, with a degree in Political Science.
He enjoys restoring classic cars, which have included a 1959 Cadillac and1968 GT/CS Mustang. He likes everything outdoors; hiking, camping, golf and more.
He is eager to begin serving with the wonderful volunteers and staff of the Trapper Trails Council.
Silver Beaver Awards Bestowed Upon 34 of 56 Recipients
The First Wood Badge Course of 2009
The first Wood Badge course recently concluded at Camp Kiesel. The course was conducted the second and fourth weekends of March. It was a winter wonderland setting for the 50 participants. The camp received a fresh 12” of snow the night before the second half began allowing the staff and participants to put into practice the team building skills that had been explained and demonstrated the first weekend. All were able to make it Back to Gilwell and complete the course.
The experience was enjoyed by all and was considered by many to be a life-changing experience. Jared Olschewski, who served as the course director, commented that is was as good a staff and group of participants that he has ever had the opportunity to work with in 10 years of Wood Badge experience.
A Record Year For Scouting For Food
The 2009 Scouting For Food Drive, held on March 28, was a huge success for the Trapper Trails Council. Food was delivered to local food pantries throughout Weber, Davis, Morgan, Cache, Box Elder, and Rich Counties in Utah as well as pantries in Southeast Idaho and Southwest Wyoming.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Council Hosts Western Region Cub Scout National Camp School at Camp Kiesel
Leaders were placed through an intense training that began at 7:00 AM and concluded by 10:00 PM each day they were present. Cub Scouts and Leaders will be blessed by the camp leadership they come in contact this year. The Trapper Trails Council will be no exception to that! Several leaders attended this mandatory course from our council.
The purpose of National Camp School (NCS) is to help participants to become familiar with the National Day Camp Standards for Cub Scout Camps. Within these standards are many safety, administrative, and program standards that b
Thanks to Janell Koeven, a Trapper Trails Council Scout, for serving as a staff member along with 6 other well-qualified instructors from every reach of the Western United States.
Where ever you Cub Scouts attend Day Camp this year, have confidence that they are in good hands!
Trapper Trails Council Hosts Annual Western Region Conference

2 Trapper Trails Council Varsity Scout Earn Denali Award
1. Be a registered Varsity Scout team member.
2. Advance at least one rank in the Boy Scout program (or earn a Palm for those who are already Eagle Scouts).
3. Hold leadership positions in a Varsity Scout team for at least six months.
4a. While serving as team captain or program manager, act as primary leader on at least two activities. Program managers should choose activities in their the field of emphasis. Team captains may serve as primary leader any of the five fields of emphasis.
4b. While serving as program manager or team captain, demonstrate shared leadership skills in supporting roles in each of the three remaining fields of emphasis.
5. Satisfy to the team captain that you know and live by the Varsity Scout Pledge.
6. Complete a progress review by a review board that includes a district or council representative and is lead by the advancement program manager.
On March 21, 2009, 18 adult Scout leaders completed NRA Shotgun Instructor certification at the Cache Valley Shooting range. This first phase of this course actually began in February when particpants completed the NRA Basic Instructor course. The second phase, held on March 21st, was an intensive 10 hour course of classroom and range instruction. 17 of the particpants are from Golden Spike district.
Successful completion of the NRA Shotgun Instructor course allows individual Venture Crews flexiblity in participating in shooting sports events.
Additional courses will be offered this fall through the Trapper Trails Council. By 2010, a council-wide certification course will be in place and be held at a variety of locations. Stay tuned for more information.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
21 Districts = 21 Centennial QUALITY Districts
Something rare has taken place in the Trapper Trails Council. For the first time council history, all 21 districts in the council Have been designated as Centennial Quality Districts for the year 2008.
You may ask, "So What?" The reality is that this is a big deal. What it shows is the true reflection of the sincere dedication of the Hundreds of district volunteers and dedicated District Executives who work tirelessly to make Scouting happen from every corner of the council - and everywhere in between! What is says is that the leadership of each distrcit set worthy, yet lofty goals and worked hard to accomplish them.
Specific requirements for the centennial quality distrcit are as follows include unit and membership retention and growth, meeting financial goals, and quality recruitment of a strong volunteer corps.
Kudos to ALL who make the districts function! We appreciate your efforts.
William H. Spurgeon III Award Presented to Scout Leader
4 Honored With James E. West Fellowship Award
Lorenzo "Rennie" Bott, The Reverend Neal Humphrey, David Warby, and T.J. Guinn were all honored on February 13, 2009 with the James E. West fellowship award. Congratulations and Thanks to these individuals for their dedication to the Scouting movement.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Council Holds Annual Business Dinner, 2009 Officers Begin Tenure
The Order of the Arrow chapter also presented its annual report, given by Lodge Chief Charles Bouker.
Several leaders were honored for their service as council officers:
David W. Rich has faithfully served for 3 years as council president. He will continue serving adult leaders and youth of the Trapper Trails Council as Vice President - High Adventure. In addition, Dave has been asked to serve as Area President, a regional appointment that works with 7-10 councils the western United States to train, motivate, and inspire.
Also recognized for their service were the following whose terms of service on the council executive committee have expired: Reed Richards, Immediate Past President; Boyd Call, Vice President - Operations & Ogden Service Area; Chris Davis, Vice President - Administration; Brent Parkin, Vice President, Marketing; and David Phippen - Legal Counsel. Special thanks to these individuals for helping the council in so many ways. Their sacrifice of service has been appreciated.
Rick Barnes, Council Scout Executive, was also honored for his 7 years of service to the Trapper Trails Council. Rick assumed a new assignment with the Great Salt Lake Council on February 17, the first working business day after the council annual business meeting.
The following Council Executive Committee members for 2009 are:
David Wadman, Council President
Reed Summers, Council Commissioner
Bob Osmond, Council Commissioner Elect
Mike Perkins, Vice President, Operations & Ogden Field Area
Theo Thomson, Vice President, Cache Service Area
Brent Hatch, Vice President, Bridger Service Area
Jerry Toombs, Vice President, Administration
Val Radmall, Vice President, Program
Jeff Bybee, Vice President, Camping
Kenny Wright, Vice President, Marketing
Kent Jorgensen, Vice President, Scoutreach
Noel Zabriske, Vice President, Learning for Life
Ange Workman, Vice President, Membership
David W. Rich, Vice President, High Adventure
Bob Stringham, Vice President, Finance
David Knowles, Legal Counsel
Lorenzo "Rennie" Bott, Treasurer
Brett Smith, Assistant Treasurer
With the top-notch volunteer leadership recruited to lead the council in 2009 - leaders and youth can expect a banner year, filled with fun and great memories for all.