On May 16th and 17th the Trapper Trails Council held its annual Scout O Rama. This years event was held at Fort Buenaventura in Ogden. A great scouting experience was shared by more than 3,500 participants and staff members. Friday night events included a Value Trail, and a Camp Fire Program. Saturday morning kicked off with a fun 5k run. Following the run we had a great Flag Ceremony performed by Troop 17. Troop 17 is sponsored by Our Saviors Lutheran.
The days events included canoeing, kayaking, bow and arrows, BB guns, pellet guns, pistols, Leave No Trace, mountain biking, monkey bridges, Order of the Arrow Village, Cub Scout booths, advancement, Ogden city police dogs, Weber County Sheriffs Helicopter, and much more.

Special thanks to Clint “Paul” Bissell for being this years chairman and his committee. We would also like to thank Gary Weeks, staff advisor, all of the camps staffs, and all of the many volunteers who helped make this years Scout O Rama a success.

The Bird Haven District, and Golden Spike District also held their own Scout O Rama’s this year with similar events.